A Peek at The Week 4

20th May 2023


This term our theme is ‘Recycle’. Fs2’s have been busy collecting items that can be recycled. In groups, they sorted them out and talked about them. Children read books freely and made words with magnetic sounds


Year 4

How is drinking water cleaned?

The Year 4 students explored the treatment process that wastewater undergoes until it is ready for consumption. They carried out a simple experiment to demonstrate this.


Yr. 5

Year 5 covered different features of a mountain. They in turn modeled a mountain with various features and discussed how mountainous regions affect various human activities. They also explored different mountain ranges in the world.

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Year 9

In high school, the Year 9 students have just begun their IGCSE syllabus and are enjoying their Business Studies lessons. Here are their thoughts on their learning so far.

I have learnt the definition of business and how it evolves around our daily lives. I have learnt the four factors of production; Land, Enterprise. Ashley;, I've learned about the chain of productions in business and their importance- John. I learnt about the different types of businesses and how to classify them according to the stage of production they perform, the specialization of business and workers, the size and importance of the private sector and public sector, and I’ve learnt about the factors of production e.g. land, capital, enterprise, labor - Hawi. I learned about business specialization, division of labor, the categorization of different economies, and I learnt about the factors of productionLeon. I have learned about resources that are used to produce goods and services e.g. Enterprise, land, labour -Michelle.

Cambridge International Examinations
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Council of International Schools
Tanzanian International Schools Association