Newsletter 6

5th March 2018

Welcome back to another exiting second half of the term. I want to believe the break was restful. From the stories shared, the students are ready to give their best for the remaining weeks of the term.

As the term is coming to an end, our calendar of event is becoming more packed with exciting activities. Next week we have Book Week and in it there will be World Book day celebration in 1st March 2018. A detailed programme of the week is attached.

Healthy Me Week

The exciting activities of the Book week shall be accompanied by a Healthy Me focus. This means that next week, students and teachers will be focusing on bringing in healthy snacks and meals for lunch to school.

One of the Core Themes in our PSHE programme across the school is Health and Wellbeing: Under this theme, the students are reminded of:

  • What is meant by a healthy lifestyle
  • How to maintain physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing
  • How to manage risks to physical and emotional health and wellbeing
  • How to identify different influences on health and wellbeing.

Our whole school focus for the whole week will be on how to lead a healthy lifestyle through diet .We have had a chat with the students on this and are looking forward to a great week. Suggestions for healthy me week is attached though the list is not conclusive.

Buddy Lunch

We have always emphasised on the values of friendship, responsibility and courtesy as BKIS community.  After a lot of deliberations, as a school we shall have buddy lunch next week. This basically means, the students will have an opportunity to eat together as a class with their teachers and buddies. In other words, we shall excuse our parents from coming to the school at lunch time and have responsible learners take charge of their lunch.

The picnic tables will be arranged per classes and teachers will supervise the whole exercise. In our today’s assembly, it was interesting and encouraging to hear the suggestions that came from the students themselves on how to make the buddy lunch a success:

  • They mentioned of packed lunch and have it microwaved before lunch time
  • The lunches are dropped in labelled containers before 12:30pm
  • Parents/nannies leave immediately after bringing lunch.

It is our hope that a lot of independence among learners will be realised at the end of it and of course we can only achieve this through TEAMWORK.

 New BKIS Members

It is always a pleasure to receive new members of BKIS.  This week, we have been privileged to receive adorable twins in Year3 named Safiya and Amina. We say a big welcome to them! We also welcomed Hiroki back to BKIS community.



 Taekwondo Competition

Over the mid-term break, we had a powerful team of Deven, Dhara, Christian, Kieran and Krit represent BKIS in the Taekwondo friendly competition at Jalaram Academy.  They managed to get position 3 overall despite the fact that they were only five in number! Congratulations are in order for the team.



 ABRSM Exams Certificates

Our last year’s candidates finally received their certificates after a long wait. Congratulations to Dharah, Diya, Maaya, Dedan,Hawi and John for having passed their grade tests.



 Year 4 Assembly: The fall of The Aztecs

We were treated to a well-rehearsed play by the Year 4 on the fall of The Aztecs; a topic the have been covering in their History lessons. Again, our boys and girls did not disappoint. Below is a brief summary of the play as captured by their teacher:

We have been learning about the Aztec community. This has been an exciting journey ending with a lovely class assembly. In our play, Cortes, a great Spanish conquistador cleverly manages to use spies to find out all about Velasquez and uses clever strategies to overcome him. When Hernan Cortes arrived in Mexico the Aztec Emperor, Moctezuma 2, thought he was a God. This caused chaos and disorder in the empire which also helped the Spanish defeat the Aztecs. Additionally, Aztecs got weakened by diseases they caught from the Spaniards. We hope you enjoyed it!
