Week 12 Newsletter

20th November 2017

Another successful week has come to an end and we are happy with the various achievements
realised. The Early Years and KS1 students have continued to polish on their production piece “Angle
Express”. I can assure you we are all looking forward to a wonderful presentation by our young stars.
KS2-3 are also on top gear with their Christmas Cantata rehearsals. The good news is that even our
Parents are getting ready to present some pieces this time round. I am told the rehearsals are to begin
next week Monday. Our ROBS chairperson (Pavleen )will communicate the finer details to the group.
What a better way to display TEAM WORK: Parents+Students+Teachers = A powerful BKIS TEAM!
End Term Tests
The Continuous Assessments have been on going through out the term. As we come towards the end
of term, we are getting ready for the final tests to be administered during the second last week of the
term. A time table for each class has been drawn and will be shared with the parents in due course.
Our senior class (Year 11), have already started the End term tests which shall come to an end on 22nd
November next week.

Christmas boxes
It’s that time of year again and the Student Council’s Christmas project
to create shoe boxes is coming up! Regardless of your religious
persuasion this is an opportunity to give presents to children less
fortunate than ourselves.
The wrapping theme this year is ‘Animal Print ‘and the Student Council will award a prize for the best
wrapped boxes. We aim at having all the boxes in by 1

ST December 2017. These will be presented to

an identified children’s home during our Christmas Cantata.

Thanks Giving Luncheon
As a tradition, BKIS will have this event on the 22nd of November; to be precise next week Wednesday
from 12:00 until 2pm.
The BKIS Has Got Talent Competition will run after we have eaten. Pupils, teachers and parents should
be preparing for this competition with auditions for pupils entries taking place on Monday and
Tuesday lunchtime next week. Don’t worry parents and teachers have an automatic run through to
the finals! So if you have a hidden or not-so hidden talent then please register with Ms.Inyanje.
Students are allowed to wear home clothes on the day but are requested to make a suggested
payment of 100/- which will go towards the Student Council’s end of term charity donations to be
presented on the 7

th of December 2017 during the Christmas Cantata.

ICT/ Computing Day
As scheduled in our term calendar, 1

st of December, 2017 will be our ICT/Computing day. Classes are
getting ready for this and a clear programme of the day will be sent out in due course. There will be
Inter House Quiz to mark the climax of the day. To make the day a success, some specific classes will
be requesting students to bring in their own devices in preparation for the great day. Should you
receive such a request from teachers, kindly support them.

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of International Schools
Pearson Edexcel Certification
Council of British International Schools
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Kenyan International Schools Association
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Association of British Schools Overseas
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence